Thursday, June 30, 2011

And Waiting . . .

Status Update:  925 key variants checked.  4,662,000 total keys checked.  20.5% complete.

3584 remaining key variants.  18,063,360 total keys remaining.  79.5% remaining.


  1. What was the result? Was your patience rewarded?

  2. Thanks for following up, and apologies for not commenting sooner.

    I checked the remaining keys corresponding all the way down to a phi value of 502 (I believe).

    At which point I decided enough was enough on letting that program run. It ran a full year.

    I did begin another run at the D'Agapeyeff cipher approximately the same time these comments were posted. Now that I have some additional free time I can write up the hypotheses.

    I haven't had a chance to fully test it yet, and I may submit it to the Cryptogram in order to get some more interest in this cipher. I still maintain it's a solveable, polybius square + transposition based cipher.
