Over the past month I've spent some time ensuring that I'll be able to see this theory through to completion.
That means two things. The first is that I now I have a completely automated program that solves ADFGX ciphers and has been tested on known ciphertexts. This program now only needs a list of key variants to check, which I've automated with another process. For the D'Agapeyeff cipher I've chosen the top 4,509 key variants for testing which represent phi values 498 through 600. As previously stated I've eliminated all keys from 538 through 600 and feel confident that those do not contain a solution for this cipher.
Testing now continues on phi values 536 down to 498. This process will take several months.
That means two things. The first is that I now I have a completely automated program that solves ADFGX ciphers and has been tested on known ciphertexts. This program now only needs a list of key variants to check, which I've automated with another process. For the D'Agapeyeff cipher I've chosen the top 4,509 key variants for testing which represent phi values 498 through 600. As previously stated I've eliminated all keys from 538 through 600 and feel confident that those do not contain a solution for this cipher.
Testing now continues on phi values 536 down to 498. This process will take several months.